Monday, April 8, 2013

Video Essay

Overall I felt that the video essays from class were very interesting. My favorite video was the one about the chair, which had scraped and scared the narrators wooden floor. The video explained how the narrators emotions and how she felt about the chair that had scratched the wooden floor in her kitchen. I found the descriptions of her emotions to be very thorough and interesting. She began by explaining how angry she was about the scars on her hardwood floors. She went into great detail to express and describe her anger but then started to explain that she was not madd about the damage anymore. She explained that the more she looked at the marks the more intrigued she was by them. She eventually stopped looking at the marks as damage and began to see it as a form of art. She explained, once again in great detail, that the marks told a story. She explained that every mark signified an action. Each mark represented an emotion for everytime her friend sat or got up from the chair. Each mark was different because of the various moods and emotions that her friend experienced while sitting in the chair.  I found her perspective of the marks to be very interesting. The narrator has a very creative mind to be able to think outside the box and start looking at the damage to her floor as a story of past emotional experiences. This essay helped me realize that I must search for deeper meaning in things in order to expand my creativity in writing.

I feel that video essays are very  unique because they provide the intended audience with a visual image of the message that the narrator is trying to convey. In other words, the writer can control what their audience sees rather than relying on their free roaming imagination. Using visual essays allows the narrator/writer to instill more expression and emotion into their work. This could include the tone of their voice and or other sounds they may want to include, such as thunder or a keyboard. I feel that using a video  essay is far more effective than other conventional forms of writing.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Essay Packet # 1

The first essay that I would like to comment on from fiction pachet # 1 is Total Eclipse. This essay really seems to capture multiple senses of the reader. It begins by describing an unknown action as death, which is like sliding down a mountain side into the region of dread. When I first read these first few lines it filled me with a variety of different emotions including fear and nervousness. Esspecially when he described the place as unfamiliar and strange. It reminded me of a time when I got lost in the woods on a hunting trip. Also, later on in the essay he capture the visual sense of the reader by describing a clown using fruit. The author was so descriptive when describing the clown that I could literally picture everything about the  clown, as if I was looking at a picture of clown made out of fruit. What was really suprised me was in the bottem of the second paragraph on page 95 when he was describing an eclipes and said that he prays that "you" will never hav eto see anything more awful in the sky. I almost feel that he is using an eclipse to emphasize life and death...Overall I feel that this essay wasextremely descriptive, every word had extensive meaning to it.

The second essay that I would like to comment on is Door No. Five. This essay takes on another format from most of the other essay that we have read in class. This essay seems to have a language and formated like a poem. The author uses a lot of analogies convey the message and meaning of the essay. I feel that the reader is describing his fantasy place which is behind a door, door number five. The author also makes reference to "Oz". This is what gave me the indication that he was describing a place inside of a fairy tale such as in the Wizard of Oz. When I first read through this essay it didnt really make much sense, it just seemed like a bunch of statements put together. It wasn't until I read it a couple of times when i started to make sense of it. The author also referenced a pond and a peak which also gave me an indication this essay could be a description of a place. A lot of the statements in the essay are so off the wall that I kind of got the impression that he could possibly be describing a dream?...This essay is not very long but yet it still contains a lot of information for the reader to disect.