The first observation that I made from studying the peoms in Fluorescence, written by Jennifer K. Dick, was the format and vocabulary. Most of the poems in the first fourty pages of Fluorescence had a lot of unusual spacing. There were a lot of excessive indentations and spacing between each line. When I read through the poems this unique and unusual formating made me think and evaluate every line that I read. I feel that Jennifer did this intentionally to help the reader better undersatand the message that she was trying to convey. All of her poems had a lot of deep meaning to them and I feel that her formating helps the reader to better understand her message.
The section that I found to be most interesting was section two, pages 17- 27. Throughout this section Jennifer makes reference to an explosion. At first I thought that this had to do with a personal experience she had in years past possibly during a war, which I thought to be be World War 2. On the last page she had mentioned that before the explosion she had grabbed for her phone in the street and thought to herself, "who should I call?" This line attracted my attention because it was written in italics. After re-evaluating what was said and wondering the significance of this line, I realized that the line gave the poem a specific time period. After reading this line on pg. 27, I knew that what ever message she was trying to deliver had to of taken place during a period where there were portable telephones, which would not be very likely during the time period of WW 2. After determining the time period I began to think that she was talking about some type of terroirst attack. The peom also give information of a bomb squad evaluating the scene where the explosion happend. This caught my attention because people do not usually conduct minute investigations during a time of war. If an investigation had occurred over this event then there had to be a significance to it. My final conclusion of the poem was that Jennifer had experienced, or was describing someone elses experience, of a recent terrorist attack such as the one on 9-11.
Overall I feel that these poems were very interesting. I found the peoms in Fluorescence to have deeper meaning than any of the poems we have read so far. I found a lot of these poems to have more of a clear and defined message. Because I could make sense of a lot of the readings I was more motivated to keep reading. I become very discouraged from reading poetry when i cannot dtermine what message the writer is trying to deliver. For this reason, I enjoyed reading the first fourty pages of Fluorescence.
good response here.